Focus System Training

Transform your performance with the Focus System, an innovative approach to help you increase brain function, develop skills and maintain nervous system regulation. Unlock a whole new level of potential!

What is Focus System Training?

Focus System Training is a comprehensive program that combines music, movement, and visual stimulation to promote neuroplasticity and brain integration. By activating the auditory and kinesthetic systems, this intervention triggers brain responses that can help increase performance in everyday life. With its multisensory approach, Focus System Training provides an effective way to foster self-regulation, boost cognitive development, and stimulate overall growth.

The Focus System harnesses the power of neuroplasticity, empowering us to rewire our brains and build neurological pathways at any age. Just as physical exercises can help develop strength and endurance, stimulating your brain through focused effort can open up exciting new possibilities that were once thought impossible!

Who is Focus System Training for?

Focus System Training is designed for both children and adults. This non-invasive and effective intervention has been created to address a variety of issues, including but not limited to sensory processing disorder, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD/ADD, learning disabilities, stroke recovery, and other neurological conditions.

With a client-centered approach, this program can be tailored to meet the individual needs of each participant. Focus System Training offers a unique opportunity to help people reach their potential and gain valuable life skills

What are the benefits of Focus Training?

Focus System Training has been scientifically proven to support the development of physical and cognitive skills in a safe and non-invasive way. Benefits may include:

• Improved coordination, balance, and motor planning

• Increased self-regulation abilities

• Enhanced language capacity

• Boosted concentration and attention span

• Strengthened social engagement and communication skills

• Increased empathy and emotional intelligence

• Greater self-efficacy

Who is Focus System Training for?

Focus System Training is designed for both children and adults. This non-invasive and effective intervention has been created to address a variety of issues, including but not limited to sensory processing disorder, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD/ADD, learning disabilities, stroke recovery, and other neurological conditions.

With a client-centered approach, this program can be tailored to meet the individual needs of each participant. Focus System Training offers a unique opportunity to help people reach their potential and gain valuable life skills.How does Focus Training work?

Music tuned to meet special requirements is sent through both air and bone-conduction headphones, creating a unique auditory experience that works directly with your brain. Our integration kit comes equipped with movement activities tailored for any level of ability, allowing you the opportunity to organize different motor movements while receiving sensory input. Once ready, our cognitive activities offer an extra layer of learning as they stimulate multiple parts of the mind at once – just like what's required in everyday living!

Get started today!

Focus System Training has the potential to transform your life. Unlock new levels of performance with this evidence-based intervention that is designed to meet the unique needs of each participant. Contact us today for more information about getting started with Focus System Training!